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FA Create Club

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Create Club is designed to fill in the spaces with after school child care while creating an enriching educational experience. The club focuses on the arts and giving students opportunities to express themselves through different mediums. 


$25 deposit to hold spot. 

$150 weekly INCLUDES materials and snack

10% Sibling discount

Drop off/ Pickup

Check with your school for bus drop off at the Force or arrange a ride. 

Pickup by 5:30pm. $1 per minute late fee. 


Billing is weekly. Accounts updated every Sunday with payment due by the following Friday. $25 late fee. 2 weeks of non-payment results in immediate dismissal of program.

ARTS education

Daily instruction for minimum 1 hr in fine or dramatic arts. 

  • watercolor

  • pencil

  • charcoal

  • ceramics

  • acting

  • scene reading

  • prop making

Example Schedule

2:30-3:30pm arrival, snack, free-time

3:30-5:00pm art or drama lesson

5-5:30pm homework help / free-time

© The Force Dance Academy #FAtribe


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